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CAS in Stakeholder Management and Stewardship

The University of Zurich is offering a new CAS in Stakeholder Management and Stewardship. The program is aimed at professionals from corporations of all industries working in the field of investor relations, communications, sustainability, finance or legal.

In today's fast-paced business landscape, the spotlight on companies extends beyond profit margins and the bottom line. Companies face a rising tide of expectations from their stakeholders on topics such as the environment, people, and corporate governance, increasingly also with a view towards their strategic anchoring. Navigating this dynamic terrain is no longer a choice but a necessity for companies as the convergence of these elements becomes the cornerstone for a successful long-term business model. The program supports participants in tackling these intertwined and strategic challenges successfully, familiarizing participants with relevant topics as well as with approaches to successfully deal with them in today’s fast-changing environment. It makes use of the University of Zurich’s broad curriculum of disciplines to introduce participants to the structured thinking and academic evidence in the field on the one hand and on the other by exposing participants to industry experts sharing their hands-on experience on how they deal with these challenges.

The CAS follows a modular structure that facilitates graduation alongside the workload of busy professionals. It offers a variety of different modules, allowing senior officiers to focus on specific strategic topics in the field while offering junior people the possibility jumpstart their career with comprehensive and solid foundation courses. The program combines a set of compulsory core and elective courses.

For more information, please visit the program’s website.


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Universität Zürich
Executive Education WWF
Finance Executive Education
Plattenstrasse 14
8032 Zürich
